One of the remarkable ancestral houses is the Lipana House.

The main door is usually large to accommodate the Caroza (wheeled vehicle being used to carry the Poon or figure of Saint during a parade or prusisyon)

The ground floor is not occupied for daily living. It is only used as storage or area for the Caroza. Walls are really thick and the windows have iron grills.

The Stairway is considered as a transition point. Consisting of two flights, each part indicates your intimacy to the owner. You’re lucky when the owner invites you to go upstairs.

The second floor is where everything happens. It is very spacious since there were no visible partitions between the ante-sala and the living area. This is where they throw parties and special events. Parties and dancing were a total entertainment for people then. It is also a status symbol. Meaning, the more events in your house, them more famous you will be.

Wide windows with transom and ventanillas are not only for air-conditioning purposes but for connection to the streetlife too. If you could stare at the window, you will realize how simple the life before. Take the cold breeze inside the house and say hi to your neighbor.

The Twelve Apostles. Something very unique and historical about the house is the figures of Saints. These have made significant contributions to the life of the owner. The Lipana’s stored and hide their riches inside the saints’ body during the Japanese occupation.