Thursday, December 20, 2007
It Ends Where it Began
Thursday, November 29, 2007
An Open Exhibit of the Past

One of the remarkable ancestral houses is the Lipana House.

The main door is usually large to accommodate the Caroza (wheeled vehicle being used to carry the Poon or figure of Saint during a parade or prusisyon)

The ground floor is not occupied for daily living. It is only used as storage or area for the Caroza. Walls are really thick and the windows have iron grills.

The Stairway is considered as a transition point. Consisting of two flights, each part indicates your intimacy to the owner. You’re lucky when the owner invites you to go upstairs.

The second floor is where everything happens. It is very spacious since there were no visible partitions between the ante-sala and the living area. This is where they throw parties and special events. Parties and dancing were a total entertainment for people then. It is also a status symbol. Meaning, the more events in your house, them more famous you will be.

Wide windows with transom and ventanillas are not only for air-conditioning purposes but for connection to the streetlife too. If you could stare at the window, you will realize how simple the life before. Take the cold breeze inside the house and say hi to your neighbor.

The Twelve Apostles. Something very unique and historical about the house is the figures of Saints. These have made significant contributions to the life of the owner. The Lipana’s stored and hide their riches inside the saints’ body during the Japanese occupation.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Beep Beep Beep Beep

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Are You Who You Want to be?
Don't close your eyes, don't close your eyes
This is your life and today is all you've got now
Yeah, and today is all you'll ever have
Don't close your eyes
Don't close your eyes
This is your life, are you who you want to be
This is your life, are you who you want to be
This is your life, is it everything you dreamed it would be
When the world was younger and you had everything to lose
Are you who you want to be? Is this the life I am dreaming of? Is this sum of all my sacrifices? When I was writing my book for thesis, my adviser always asks me to revise my goals and objectives of my study. He said “stick with your goals. The objectives must be coherent to the goal you want to achieve.” The goal setting is similar to building bridges leading to your ultimate dream. We may not know what lies ahead of us, but important is that we succeeded in fulfilling our dreams not by the reputation given by the people but the heart and mind that reached self-actualization. Nobody measures real success but us. I realized then that this life is too short; we have to do what we have to. I don’t want to see myself someday acting the role of someone who I’m not used to be.
An Encounter With the Morons
Foolish talks have always been a part of my daily living. Perhaps it’s a punchline of God saying how lucky I am that there where human-shaped creatures dumber than what I could ever imagine.
Scenario 1: On an oral defense of a thesis, a professor who’s in charge of the event asked to run her an errand. As the situation goes…
Prof: could you buy us snacks for the jurors? There where three of them so buy three drinks and sandwiches (then gave the money)
Me: right away ma’am
From the store, I came back to the moron to give her what she instructed.
Prof: (in a astonishing tone) oh??something’s missing. I told you these should be four iced tea and sandwiches..Hmmp..
Me: (to myself with my astral projection coming out of my body and dragging a knife towards her chest) You’ll be in hell soon.!!!
Scenario 2: The teacher discusses the latest discovery here on earth (screw you if you didn’t know this) the sun rises in the east every morning. Suddenly, a shit comes out from a butthead classmate.
Teacher: the Chinese wants their room to face east.
Stupid classmate: (sheepishly murmured something to his seatmate) is it true that in Alaska, the sun rises in east too?
Seatmate: Dies on the floor breaking her neck laughing.
Scenario 3: Professor approaching each of her students for an announcement.
To student 1: we’ll meet in room 311 @ 3:00
To student 2: we’ll meet in the AVR @ 3:00
To student 3: we’ll meet in the library @ 3:00
..And so on…
Conclusion: Mental health situation in the country is quite alarming.
Welcome to the Dirty Parade
- Let me share with you some of my experiences as a young leader aka politicians (I didn’t claim it although others insists). Five years ago, when I was just an ordinary teenage boy, destiny did something strange for me—the responsibility of being a leader in the community—the task of being an SK chairman. Out of nowhere, it just happened. For some reasons, the occurrence wasn’t really a total regret because it has opened so many doors leading to the reality of sophisticated life. If you think you know what I mean then I would like to congratulate you. Welcome to the nasty world of politics. To serve as an encouragement and also a disclaimer, here are some tips that I honestly said by heart. (Some items shouldn’t be taken literally) Take it straight from a certified sinner.
The good part(I can’t use the word benefits coz it might sound absurd) of being a young leader based on how I perceived it are: - Respect and self-esteem. But of course, a leader has to be ready for anything. A positive outlook towards self is one good start of a leader. He/she gains the respect of his/her colleagues.
- Friendship and camaraderie. Being a part of the group, you use to have your colleagues as companions in all your activities and goals. The experiences bind you more as you go ahead. For some other reasons, a partner in crime too.
- Places, places and places. I’ve been to a lot of places (local only), meet different people and had been through a lot of experiences.
Fame. It’s already been given and you can’t take it away from you. You get to be recognized by people. Instant celebrity as they say. - Money. This is true since it is mandatory in public office but it shouldn’t be the point of taking the lead unless you are willing to open yourself to greed and selfish ambitions.
The other side of this is the irrefutable notions associated with this field that may open your gate to become a certified politician. - Politics. It should be the first since you automatically become a part of a certain party ever since you moved your feet in the hall of s/f(ame). The problem in our country today is that we kept on politicizing things. We kept on creating devices that will disunite our visions. Why can’t we just carry our own weight and become a leader, not a part of a shitty political act.
- Money. This time it acts as your passport to hell. Especially when you’re in public office. At young age, you will be encounter bribery, corruption and red-tape. It’s a matter of choice. Remember that you’re in the position for others and not to develop greed. It’s not worth to have luxuries when you can’t say that you got it from the taxes.
- Responsibility. It is hard to lead when you don’t know your reason. As a young leader, you have to balance time for study over service, commitments over wants. Don’t let your responsibility distract you in chasing your dreams. You are the son/daughter of your parents, a brother/sister, a student, a member of the community and now a public official. Many are waiting for what you will do.
- Vices. At a very young age, you will be prone to evil acts. It is also a responsibility to take care of your image(I can’t actually say its reputation though) as a leader because this will be your foundation of respect. Mention every vice you see on TV, sooner or later you will encounter situations. (don’t laugh because you’ll never know). Just remember to stay focus on your ultimate goal. Finish your studies, be responsible and always think of your moves. Because regrets are always in the end.
A Leap Towards Inevitable Circumstance
Sheltered Dreams

I once dreamed of a house, a home, something more than to shelter my needs but to illustrate my perspective of a real living. Walls and roofs that envelope a what I valued most. A home for family. In Filipino “tahanan”. Literally speaking, it means a place to shed your tears. For most Filipinos, a home is a significant sanctuary for building the personality of an individual because the values are cored into the family which we all consider as the basic unit of the society. For almost five years of being involved in the practice of planning homes as an architecture student, I’ve found that that a dream house is indefinite. It is only defined by the boundaries of contentment of its inhabitants. As I have remembered in the book “The Most Beautiful House in the World” by Witold Rybzinski (not quite sure about the spelling) his boat-building project eventually became his house in the end of the story having the house as a concrete monument of his childhood dream of sailing.
This is my own interpretation of “tahanan” as of today. An evolution of my design abilities (my mentors say it’s not yet evolved), sense of taste, value for people and sleepless days and nights. It has four bedrooms, a balcony, library, a cozy family room, living room and maid’s room. Come and take it as an experience.